The blue-gray, tan, or brown patches on your skin can lower your confidence and self-esteem, but you do not have to tolerate them. Melasma causes discoloration to your facial skin, especially along the upper cheeks, lips, chin, and forehead. The condition is mainly due to extra sun exposure and hormonal changes and can be reversed. Although the situation can improve naturally depending on the cause, the Skin Deep Laser MD melasma specialists put together some effective treatments that have proven effective in managing the disease. Here are some professional ways of dealing with the situation.
Prescription Medications
Some medications can help you reverse melasma. Therefore, talk to your doctor about your symptoms and work together to find the best remedies for you. Remember that some medicines could also be to blame for your situation; therefore, remember to discuss your current medication regime with your doctor. You might need to change your hormone medication regime. You might have to stop using some medications like birth control pills and change your hormone replacement therapy if it is to blame for your melasma. Your doctor can also recommend a hydroquinone cream to lighten your cream.
A Chemical Peel
You might also benefit from a chemical peel that uses a chemical abrasive like glycolic acid to peel off the top layer of your skin affected by melasma. Your provider will apply the chemical to your skin, causing a mild burn. The burned layer of your skin will peel off, revealing fresh skin free from melasma. However, ensure you understand the cause of your melasma before using this treatment, as it might not be effective if hormonal imbalances are to blame for your situation. It would help if you first had to address the underlying cause.
Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion
These treatments involve stripping away the affected top layer of your skin to leave behind clean melasma-free skin. Your provider will use an abrasive material to sand off the affected skin. Fine crystals that are abrasive enough are used during microdermabrasion to lift away the affected skin by forcibly stripping away the dead skin. You will need about five treatments spaced between two to four weeks. You can also go for a maintenance treatment every four to eight weeks, especially when the underlying cause of your condition is not well managed.
Laser Treatments
Some laser treatments can help strip away the affected part of your skin. However, you must be careful when seeking laser treatments, as some treatments might worsen your situation. Ensure your provider is qualified and well equipped to administer laser treatments for melasma. Ensure the laser you get can only target the pigmentations on your skin. Generally, you will need about three to four treatments in about three to six months.
Platelet-rich Plasma
This involves injecting plasma that has been enriched to promote recovery into the body. Although the treatment is not yet well understood how it helps manage melasma, there is early evidence showing that it can not only treat melasma but also prevent the condition from recurring.
You do not have to tolerate melasma; reach out to the melasma specialists in Fort Worth, TX, for help. There are several ways you can eliminate the dark patches in your skin and even your tone. You can book your appointment via a call or through the online tool.