How to Work with Your Dentist to Achieve a Whiter Smile


Discolored or stained teeth can lower your confidence and self-esteem, affecting how you express yourself. But there are numerous ways you can achieve a whiter smile. Working with a dental care professional is the best way to figure out the correct teeth whitening treatment for you and to learn how to maintain your perfect smile when it arrives. The New York teeth whitening specialists are happy to offer professional teeth whitening that will transform your smile. They can work with you to ensure you get your perfect smile and maintain it for the long term. Here are some guidelines for you.

Maintain Regular Visits to Your Dentist

A perfect smile is worth a lifetime investment. Therefore, it is essential to make regular visits to the dentist for checkups, cleaning, and consultation. Generally, you should see your dentist at least every six months. Your provider will clean and examine your teeth to ensure all is well. This will help detect complications and manage them before they worsen. Also, your dentist will evaluate your oral care health routine and advise you on how to maintain a whiter smile.

Ask Your Dentist about Whitening Treatment

If you already have yellow or stained teeth, you can consult your doctor on the best professional teeth whitening treatment. Your dentist is in an excellent position to know the proper treatment you need, especially if you have been maintaining regular visits and they know your oral health history. But even if you have not been in a routine, you can schedule a consultation appointment to help you evaluate your options. Your provider can use hydrogen peroxide with a mixture of other whitening agents to eliminate deep stains from your teeth and brighten your smile.

Consult about a Mouth Guard

If you grind your teeth, you can ask your doctor about getting a mouthguard to protect your teeth. Grinding teeth wears your enamel off, which promotes staining and discoloration of your teeth. Your doctor will take a mold of your teeth and make a custom mouth guard to keep your teeth safe while you sleep. Remember to put your mouth guard in when you go to sleep. Although it might feel weird when wearing the device at night, stick to it, and you will eventually get used to it. 

Consider Veneers as a Permanent Solution

Veneers offer a permanent solution for teeth discoloration or staining. If your teeth are too discolored or stained, ask your doctor if veneers are a good idea. Although they can be more expensive than ordinary teeth whitening procedures, they could be the best way to secure a perfect white smile for you. Your doctor will make a mold of your mouth to build a custom cover for your teeth. The veneers are permanently bound to your teeth enamel to cover any discoloration or staining with a layer of shiny, white porcelain. Your provider will match the veneer’s color with your natural teeth to make the results more realistic.

If you have been trying self-treatments or DIY teeth whitening treatments without success, professional help is all you need. Get in touch with the DentAlign NYC teeth whitening specialists for assistance. Your provider will help you explore your options and advise you on how to live up to your perfect smile.

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