Foods Containing Calcium


All for strong bones and teeth, according to a certain proportion of our age, we know that we need to take calcium. You are wrong if you think that calcium should be consumed only in childhood, as adults of calcium; heart, muscle and normal working of the nerve, lowering blood pressure and colon cancer are among the important minerals to reduce the risk. Calcium deficiency; the growth problems in children, in adults, bone density reduction and abnormal formation of voids in the bone (osteoporosis). High amounts on a daily basis in many foods other than milk and milk products contain calcium can get known to calcium you need.

Receiving Recommended Daily Amount of Calcium

  • 1-3 years old: 700 mg
  • 4-8 years old: 1000 mg
  • Between 9-13 years: 1300 mg
  • 14-18 years old: 1300 mg
  • 19-50 years old: 1000 mg
  • 51-70 years old: 1000 mg (male), 1200 mg (women)
  • 71 years older: 1,200 mg

Receiving Recommended Daily Amount of Calcium

  • 1-3 years old: 700 mg
  • 4-8 years old: 1000 mg
  • Between 9-13 years: 1300 mg
  • 14-18 years old: 1300 mg
  • 19-50 years old: 1000 mg
  • 51-70 years old: 1000 mg (male), 1200 mg (women)
  • 71 years older: 1,200 mg

Calcium Rich Foods

The following list contains high levels of calcium in the foods included in this list but is not a complete list of foods rich in calcium. Frequent consumption of certain nutrients contained in the list, the person’s health conditions (high cholesterol, heart disease, kidney stones and kidney diseases …) may be unsuitable. Contains high calcium, we recommend that you consult a professional for proper nutrition program.

Herbs and Spices: Most of us think that we have an adequate amount of milk to get calcium, but the truth is not so. Some herbs and spices contain as much calcium than milk. For example, 1 stalk celery meets 3% of daily calcium needs. 1 tablespoon oregano daily needs of about 8%, 21% of 100 grams of fresh dill, 1 tablespoon dried oregano 3%, while 1 tablespoon dried rosemary meets 4% of daily calcium needs. These herbs and plants, prepared meals and tea you use will significantly reduce the risk of calcium deficiency.

Cheese: 100 grams of white cheese is enough to cover half the daily calcium needs. Vitamin B12, phosphorus and rich in protein that feta is also particularly high cholesterol because they contain high amounts of sodium and saturated fats should be consumed with caution by atherosclerosis and heart disease. As for other cheese; Parmesan cheese is cheese that contains the calcium and 1 tablespoon Parmesan meets 6% of daily calcium needs. Also cheddar, mozerella, cheese is rich in calcium.

Sesame: 100 grams of roasted sesame seeds or dried, almost all of calcium should be taken daily, and 1 tablespoon sesame meets the 9%. However, sesame seeds, is also rich in terms of energy (573 calories per 100 grams) and trying to lose weight should consume a small amount of caution.

Tofu: Our kitchen has not used in a lot of very popular, especially in the Asian tofu 372 mg of calcium per 100 grams (37% of the daily recommended amount) are available. If this value tofu made with calcium sulfate if calcium may contain up to 2-3 times.

Almond: Roasted 100 grams whereby 266 mg (27% of the daily recommended amount) of calcium. Also, vitamin E, magnesium and manganese minerals rich in terms of 100 g of almonds is 597 calories. Lean roasted almonds and salt added is more beneficial to your health.

Flax Seed: more healthy fatty acids of Experts (omega-3) to suggest that flaxseed is rich in calcium. 36 mg of 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (3% of the daily recommended amount) has calcium. However refined flax seed oil does not contain calcium. You should consume in order to get calcium from the ground or the raw flaxseed.

Milk, yogurt and other dairy products: low-fat milk and full-fat dairy products than those who contain some extra calcium. Low fat yogurt, cheese, milk product remaining outside the range includes the highest calcium (415 mg per 100 grams) has a value. The 100 grams of skim milk meets about 31% of daily calcium needs.

Green Leafy Vegetables: green leafy vegetables consumed raw are a very good source of calcium. Turnip these vegetables from 100 grams 190 mg (19% of the recommended daily calcium) comes first with calcium. 100 grams of dandelion meet the goal of 9% and 10% of the daily calcium needs.

High Calcium Containing Other Foods (100 grams values) cooked spinach (136 mg) Raw broccoli (47 mg) Yakut leaves (429 mg) Vine leaves (289 mg) arugula (160 mg) whole wheat bread (107 mg) powder cayenne pepper (278 mg)

More Calcium Loss

Long time and consume the recommended daily amount of calcium, can cause some health problems such as lack of calcium.

Kidney Stones: Excess calcium contributes to kidney stone formation has not yet been fully acknowledged. However, some studies have concluded that they increase the risk of kidney stones of calcium and vitamin D supplement use. Especially less water and increases the risk in people who consume a lot of calcium.

Kidney Damage: Very high amounts of calcium usually “hyperparathyroidism” is associated with. In this case, iron, zinc, may decrease the absorption by the body of essential minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium.

Drug Interactions: More calcium, antibiotics, drugs, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis drugs can interact with. If you use regular medication, you should consult your doctor before taking calcium supplements

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