Food & Recipes

Olive Oil
Food & Recipes Health

Forget About Medications and Prepare This Mixture!

This can save your life. Forget About Medications and Prepare This Mixture! “Everything is in turmeric. Its anti-inflammatory abilities are very powerful. There is no any natural ingredient which is more powerful anti-inflammatory agent”, claims Dr. Anderson. Dr. Caroline Anderson says that there is no need for fear of cancer if you mix these three […]

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Pumpkin Pie
Dessert Food & Recipes

Pecan Pie

Before this Thanksgiving, I don’t think I had ever had pecan pie. Over the past couple of years I learned that love pecans and anything that uses pecans–but no pecan pie. So I made a special request this Thanksgiving. I asked my husband to make pecan pie to bring to my aunt’s house where eat […]

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Breakfast Food & Recipes

Breakfast Smoothies

Breakfast Smoothies Try this healthy smoothie recipe even once a week. For sure, after having your first taste, you may want to prepare it every single day. INGREDIENTS 1 cup of frozen berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and/or strawberries)1 scoop of whey powder1 Tbs. flaxseed oil1Tbs. ground flaxseed2 tsp. lemon juice1 tsp. unsweetened cranberry juice1 pack […]

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