5 Tips for Living With Peripheral Arterial Disease


Peripheral arterial disease, also known as (PAD) affects about 9 million people in the United States. Davenport peripheral arterial disease occurs when a buildup of gummy cholesterol deposits along the arterial walls results in their stiffening and narrowing. It significantly impairs blood flow in the legs, arms, and other parts of the body. Without treatment, PAD may have detrimental or even fatal effects.

Despite the condition’s severity, many people with PAD are entirely unaware of it. Here are some tips for living with PAD:

1.  Find the right exercise regimen

Discuss with your doctor what exercises are best for you. They could provide workout routines that have been proven to reduce PAD symptoms. After your appointment, try to engage in 30 minutes of exercise numerous times each week.

Choose workouts you love to ensure that you stick to them. You can choose exercises like swimming, riding a bike, or yoga.

Exercise helps more for your PAD symptoms than just that. Additionally, it aids in lowering “bad” cholesterol and blood pressure. Additionally, it benefits your heart and pretty much the entire body.

2.      Eat a balanced diet

Controlling your weight and cholesterol is more crucial than ever when you have PAD. Eating a heart-healthy diet rich in plant oils like olive oil, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, legumes and lean meats will assist.

You might need to limit your intake of alcohol, salt, sugar, and saturated fats, frequently found in animal products. You should consume less beef, pig, skinless chicken, and dairy products made from whole or 2 percent milk. Also, avoid artificial Trans fats and coconut oil or palm oil.

3.      Take care of your legs

Most typically, PAD symptoms are felt in the legs, particularly in the calves or thighs. You can have discomfort or numbness if the blood cannot flow freely. Because your muscles require increased blood flow when you walk or engage in other physical activity, you are more likely to experience pain.

Also, ensure you wear fitting shoes. When you walk, you should try to feel as relaxed as possible. Best to avoid wearing compression socks. They don’t assist with PAD and could even be harmful. Ask your doctor if you should continue wearing them if you wear them to avoid edema or blood clots.

In addition, examine your legs often. If you see lumps or thick, rough patches of skin, they might be corns, calluses, or bunions. Visit a podiatrist to treat them.

4.      Stop smoking

Smoking exacerbates your illness by making it more difficult for your arteries to transport blood. Stopping is a crucial first step toward controlling your condition. Additionally, smoking increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

5.      Stay warm

 Try as much as you can to stay out of the cold. During winter, check to see if you can find a location to work out inside. If you must be outside in the bitter cold, dress in layers and wear thick, dry socks. Avoid letting the weather discourage you from getting active.

If you have peripheral artery disease, lifestyle changes can help with your condition. Therefore, eat a healthy diet, exercise, take care of your legs, avoid smoking, and stay warm.

 Call Vein & Cardiovascular Center to schedule your appointment for peripheral arterial disease treatment.

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