Back pain is a common problem, yet it can significantly impact your personal and professional life. It is among the top reasons for sick absenteeism, which could impact your productivity. Various factors, including spinal stenosis, can cause back pain. Spinal stenosis Memorial Area results from narrowing space inside the spine, putting more pressure on your spinal cord and nerves traveling through it. Spinal stenosis risk increases with age, mainly due to wear and tear.
Spinal stenosis can cause discomfort or become intolerable to the point that you may need invasive treatment, including surgery. Before it gets to that, you can apply some holistic approaches to alleviate the pain and other symptoms, some of which can also help avoid invasive intervention. Among the management tips to consider include:
1. Exercise
Physical activity may be the least of the things you look forward to when dealing with back pain. Moreover, you might assume that rest will help improve the situation. Nonetheless, exercises are essential as they can help improve muscle strength. When the supporting muscles’ strength improves, it can alleviate nerve compression, gradually lessening it and managing the symptoms.
Exercising to manage spinal stenosis can be tricky, especially since you should not put excessive pressure on the spine. As such, working with a physical therapist is recommended. Professionally guided physical therapy helps you target the right parts and muscles. You can find a range of manageable water aerobics, strength exercises, and relaxation options like Tai Chi and yoga, supercharging your progress.
2. Weight management
Excessive weight puts more pressure on your spine and, with the narrowing, worsens the condition. Shedding that extra pound relieves the pressure and, even better, boosts your overall health. When you are healthier, pain management, a critical part of dealing with spinal stenosis, is not as demanding. Stress, for instance, resulting from mood and anxiety disorders associated with excess weight, can significantly impact pain. After losing the extra pounds, stress management and other health concerns are more productive, making it easier to keep spinal stenosis in check.
3. Dietary measures
Revising your dietary regimen can make a huge difference as you strive to improve holistic spinal stenosis management. Ideally, adopting a diet rich in anti-inflammatory properties is the go-to. Omega-3-rich foods like fatty fish are a great inclusion. Improving other mineral intake is also advisable. You can also kick your dietary measures a notch higher with vitamin and mineral supplements. Using your diet to control inflammation can help address spinal stenosis and improve your overall wellness as the body is well-replenished.
4. Massage therapy
Massage therapy, more so with relaxing topical ointments like gels and creams, can supercharge your spinal stenosis management quests. You can kick it a notch higher with acupuncture, helping address the pain at a deeper level.
Spinal stenosis can cause significant friction in your life, especially if the symptoms impact your ability to manage activities of daily living. Adopting a holistic approach and working with a professional for interventional pain management can supercharge your quests to manage the symptoms and regain your ability to go about your day easily. Contact or visit Expert Pain today for more on spinal stenosis management and treatment.